The Rationale for a New Approach

The leaving care sector in Australia has traditionally focused on ‘fixing’ problems faced by young people transitioning from care services. Better Futures established an Advantaged Thinking practice approach to shift from this deficit-focused model. This approach invests in young people’s talents and aspirations, enabling them to thrive, rather than merely addressing immediate needs.

Better Futures takes a different role in the care team and tries to get out of the crisis-thinking. We’re looking at long-term outcomes and aspirations, and that’s really liberating if you do it well.
- Better Futures Development Coach

An Advantaged Thinking Framework

The Better Futures Advantaged Thinking Practice Framework, developed by BSL with the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, ensures young people transitioning from care services are provided with opportunities to develop thriving lives.

Young people need access to community assets, institutions, services, and supportive professionals to help them see opportunities and work towards their aspirations. This Framework addresses various aspects of practice, collaboration, and service delivery to enable this.

Click here to read the Better Futures Advantaged Thinking Practice Framework

Better Futures focuses on really understanding the voice of the young person and their goals and aspirations.
— Better Futures Program Manager

What is Advantaged Thinking

Originally developed by the Foyer Federation in the UK, Advantaged Thinking has been adapted by BSL and implemented across various services in Australia. It focuses on strengths and assets rather than problems and needs.

Advantaged Thinking challenges us to:

  • Create inspiring places connected to real-world opportunities.
  • Connect young people to communities that support their goals.
  • Provide access to experiences that highlight their talents.
  • Prepare young people for the real world and grow their stake in society.
  • Involve young people in developing their own solutions.

Implementing the Practice Approach

Coaching is key to the Advantaged Thinking approach.

Better Futures workers, known as Development Coaches, use coaching methods to engage young people about their goals and future.

Coaches recognise young people as experts in their own lives, focusing on listening and prompting new ways of thinking through open-ended questions.

Developing Advantaged Thinking Practice

Development Coaches and Community Connectors are encouraged to use BSL Better Futures Advantaged Thinking suite of practice documents to support their work.

Key resources include:

Access our full resource library here.

Want to know more about Advantaged Thinking?

BSL has been innovating with Advantaged Thinking for over a decade across various youth sectors. We continue to advance this approach through our communities of practice, training, self-assessment, and resource development opportunities.

Explore more about Advantaged Thinking:

Visit the UK Advantaged Thinking website to get started on your Advantaged Thinking journey.