
Transitioning from care in Victoria

600 Victorian young people aged between 16 and 18 transition from Victoria’s care services every year.

Young people exit from a variety of settings, including: foster, kinship, residential care and permanent care.

The Victorian Government’s aim is for young people within its care services to make a more gradual and supported transition to independent adulthood. 

One of its key priorities is to assist young people in achieving successful, fulfilling and independent lives, with a strong focus on positive economic, personal, social and housing outcomes.

Empowering practice for First Nations young people

The Victorian Government has handed over control to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to provide tailored and culturally minded approaches that prioritise self-determination and facilitate First Nations models of care.

Better Futures Our Way

The Aboriginal Better Futures Our Way Practice Guide is for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. It is available via the Victorian Aboriginal Children and Young People’s Alliance website.

There are also Better Futures Our Way animations and fact sheets, which help guide Aboriginal young people leaving care and their carers to understand and use Better Futures Our Way.

To access the Our Way suite of resources, click here.